“Love is kind of air. You have to breath in love, again you have to breath love out. You have to receive love, again you have to give love back. If you don’t have love in your life, it’s very hard, and it’s very difficult to live. Once you receive love, if you are not giving love back, your life is miserable, you can’t live on this earth.
Majority of people’s problems is based on, linked with not giving enough love to people. If you are not giving enough love to people, then, you cannot take the breath in of the true divine love that easily. If you don’t have that much pure divine love, then life will be irritable, upset, and a lot of blocks will start to grow.
If you look at your life, ten years back in your life you were wealthy, healthy, wealthy, healthy beautiful life, beautiful home, everything, and where you got really damaged, where you really damaged somebody, and why today your life is kind of really funny miserable. Why did you get in this stage? Come to your life. You know very well, more than anybody about the graph of your life. See, where you’ve made mistakes. Okay, whatever you’ve done, is done. Sit, heartfully open your heart, ask for forgiveness. Doesn’t matter it is your sister, or girlfriend/boyfriend, husband, children. Doesn’t matter, you hate your parents, okay, ask for forgiveness from God. Whatever actions you’ve done, your soul is recording in you. Again, it will play back to you. It will play back. You’ve done this, that’s why you're facing this. So, ask for forgiveness. Again, try as much as you can, not to repeat the mistakes.
I’m giving a remedy here. To the soul, the oxygen is love. How you’re presenting and how you’re receiving that love? And how you’re disturbing that love? And how you’re misusing that love? Whole concept of your life’s phenomenon is depending on that. Now you can think, what is provoking the karmas, how the Nature is implementing on you.” ~ Sri Kaleshwar