“Everybody's expecting very shortly some, a lot of destroying, some little changes… Not the destroying, many changes is going in the earth, you know what I'm saying? Little cyclones, earthquakes, floods, diseases, the not understanding the country to country - some problems… economic collapsing, like struggles. It's many things, is huge things is going on we're expecting, the saints almost all they're expecting, they're seeing for that. Before I'm thinking on that then before I'm making the, I'm releasing a beautiful masters in the universe to take care the universe. Do our best. Some people, they're expecting they can stop but some people they can't, just we see what happen the result. My way, my feeling - definitely it's going happening some troubles, but I'm praying to God, "Why can't you stop God? Please stop that." With economic financial down, up, and mainly the earthquakes, diseases - unbelievable diseases – it’s coming in the future. If one disease is attack forgetted his life, there is no way treatment.
We will see what happen, but everything is now controlling Lord Venkateshwara and Shirdi Baba. The next Yuga is coming, Sai Yuga after the Kali Yuga is coming. After the Sai Yuga, after 2000 it's called like Satya Yuga, not Satya Yuga, it's Sai Yuga. Everybody loves Shirdi Baba. Who have Baba picture in their houses, it's unbelievable energy, unbelievable blessings from Him. If everybody looks His picture, if they think on Him, "Oh Baba I love you…" that it's enough. From His Samadhi they can suck the energy, like a just one phone call, "Hey Baba I love you!" that's it, He give the answer, "Hi, hello, I love you too!" He gives the Blessing - that is hundred, hundred, percent true. In the Sai Yuga it works very peacefully. After something changing, after some destroying, some little things have to happening, then everybody wants to pray to Shirdi Baba to get His blessings.”