Allah is One - Jesus is One - Baba is One - Truth is One - We are all One. We don't have a caste. We don't have a religion. Our religion is the love, humanity… Our religion is humanity. Our religion is humanity - serve ever, forgive forever - that will be truthful. That is our religion, that is my caption, it's enough. Somebody, few people, even in the masjid, Allah they're praying the prayers - I shut up. Yes, let it, we do need to respect - we're all brothers and sisters.
No Muslims, no Christianism, no Hinduism, no Jerusalemism, no, no, no Sikhism, no - we're all one! Which finger is greater? All fingers is one - it's linked with one hand. We're all one. Few people did a crazy things then it's blaming on everybody - that's a crime, that's a crime! Nope, that's not right way! "Oh, he's a Muslim. He's a Hindu. I'm a Christianism, only I follow this!" Truth is a truth! Is the water have the religion? You breathing same air - he's also breathing same air. If you got cut - red blood. Even to him (Baba), red blood. Truth is truth… Prema… Love is One. (September 30, 2010)
No Muslims, no Christianism, no Hinduism, no Jerusalemism, no, no, no Sikhism, no - we're all one! Which finger is greater? All fingers is one - it's linked with one hand. We're all one. Few people did a crazy things then it's blaming on everybody - that's a crime, that's a crime! Nope, that's not right way! "Oh, he's a Muslim. He's a Hindu. I'm a Christianism, only I follow this!" Truth is a truth! Is the water have the religion? You breathing same air - he's also breathing same air. If you got cut - red blood. Even to him (Baba), red blood. Truth is truth… Prema… Love is One. (September 30, 2010)