Spirituality means in my perfect one sentence, to knowing about yourselves, who are you, where you came from, what is the purpose of you being born on this planet and the next life. What are all these illusions, what is the life and death? It's necessary for every creation in the universe to researching on it. God means huge love. So, you have to melt in the love then you can taste it. Then you can tell the people how He's great and how He is sweet.
Actually, I can say one word, God has no exact any prayers. He only comes in your heart when your heart is open. These all prayers, to bring to you to purify your emotions, your negative qualities, it washes them out. So, you have to stand with a pure heart with one path then automatically it brings up everything. Real manifestation is to creating the spiritual life in each person, each human being - that is the big miracle! (April 29, 2006)
Actually, I can say one word, God has no exact any prayers. He only comes in your heart when your heart is open. These all prayers, to bring to you to purify your emotions, your negative qualities, it washes them out. So, you have to stand with a pure heart with one path then automatically it brings up everything. Real manifestation is to creating the spiritual life in each person, each human being - that is the big miracle! (April 29, 2006)