The major two things I want to talk in this week: super jealousy and forgiving. If your jealousy or possessive on something in a crazy way, no matter what, once if you got in the possessive heart-broken, it’s very hard to get healed yourself. Sometimes you might feel a little deceived in your relationship, in your friendship, in your attachments, in your relationship. There is no word for the deceived…just I can give and abbreviation of the deceived, just it’s how much you can really tolerate the punch of the Almighty in your heart. That’s one hundred percent the deceived what you received from the God, the Almighty - it’s a punch - all heartbroken, no matter what. So, you have to accept and simply think, that’s he who punched you. And you have to forgive the God and forgive to the whoever he introduced, that character, in front of you. Through them you have to forgive the God - he really is playing the game with you. Using some character, punching you - you have to recognize that.”