But if there’s something painful coming out it’s one process. The people they experience this. When you started to cry, it’s ok. When you cried, and cried you’ll be free. But another process, when you addict for the crying for the simple thing, for the huge thing it comes out, it comes out and it comes out. It’s we can’t say exactly with the different souls, different type of emotions how to do. But in personal, what I told some people – something sad came – don’t even try to suck that! Even it’s making you to cry, you have to be able to stop that – close it, seal it. No need the smell to come out – seal it. When the time cycle – time is always moving, you know? One week later, or two weeks later it automatically evaporates. You’ll see everything it evaporates – no more energy there. The time is a big healer. The time cycle is a big healer.
My advice, it’s up to your hearts. I’m not very sure on this subject. When something came – don’t try to cry, be a little hard – seal it. Seal it – don’t bring huge pain. Then your soul becomes a little stronger, it can be ready to (handle) anything whatever it is. Who agrees with this? Ok, it’s up to your hearts. Especially my mom, when she feels so something sad – she has to cry and to wash out - that’s her nature. Then she’s free. But she’s thinking she’s free but she’s not free. She’s getting more sensitive and sensitive for little things. That is my feeling. When again, sometime when it cames, suppose you cried today for five minutes then going next day seven minutes. They’re going very sensitive. You can’t stand for any little things. Even though… you have to cry with your heart, melt it then like suppose when you’re seeing an animal is dying in front of you with a bleeding, you feel like a huge pain. That you have to melt with that - don’t become like a rakshasa. Like a ‘no kind, no mercy’ then it means that you are not a human being anymore. There again is a big misunderstanding is here. You got to be very careful to understand this point.
Why I’m saying this – how to make our life to make the balance always happy.