What is provoking major things in your life to happen? Disturbing, disturbing, disturbing, disturbing, disturbing, disturbing. Losing, losing, losing, losing. Loneliness, loneliness, loneliness. Left out, left out, left out. No confidence, no confidence, no confidence. Wanting, wanting, wanting. What? What do you want? You got it. Next thing you want. What? What’s provoking the wanting? You’re in pain, and pain, and pain. Where is your pain? What is your real pain? There is inside. There is something there. The problem is there. The answer is also waiting there next to it. Clear? No?
There is no problem in the planet without a solution. There, with a solution, the problem arises. Any problem which arises, first at the beginning of the problem, it comes with a solution. There is no creation in the planet without that, so far, what I’ve seen, what I’ve experienced. First the solution, then the problem. Then, all the solutions you have, you can find them. First find out, after you realize that, after you have success with that. After you got that true confidence, did you have any reaction in the Nature after that – disturbing? Once you know it - done, it’s over. Fire is there. Water is there. To turn off the fire, you can pour the water on it. If you want more fire, you can add the air to make more fire. It’s simple. But you need to go in it. It’s an unbelievable leela loka (divine play). This whole creation is unbelievable. That’s what you have to see in your lifetime, in that journey. Once you link the journey - done.
It’s all linked to one major comment, one major block, one problem. How to work on that one problem? Then the story starts. Then, that story is linked to your gene code. You can change the fragrance of your soul to whatever you like. You can start erasing your, this life sufferings started many lifetimes back. Whatever you are going through, you don’t need to have any more headaches. You can keep erasing all the headaches, whatever you’ve been through. It’s not that easy but it’s very, very easy. Just with one problem, keep go, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it.
Last night in my meditation, I started around 2 a.m. until 4 am, in my life journey I hit almost a hundred thousand years back, as much as I could really push it. It’s not a joke. Today you feel it’s a joke. Once you start in that driving, you don’t care about this lifetime. You don’t care. You want to be in that consciousness stage - that is the fragrance. But how much you detect about your consciousness stages in clarity way, that’s very important to you to be able to read your file. Yourself, you keep reading it, reading it, reading it. That’s why Ramana Maharshi asked, ‘Who am I? Who am I?’ That’s his… he wants to know that consciousness stage, ‘Who am I?’ That’s his entire life message, his austerities. Everybody, many masters and saints and gurus they say, “You’re a part of God.” Good. “You’re the light.” Good. How? How is it possible? That you need to know.
There is no problem in the planet without a solution. There, with a solution, the problem arises. Any problem which arises, first at the beginning of the problem, it comes with a solution. There is no creation in the planet without that, so far, what I’ve seen, what I’ve experienced. First the solution, then the problem. Then, all the solutions you have, you can find them. First find out, after you realize that, after you have success with that. After you got that true confidence, did you have any reaction in the Nature after that – disturbing? Once you know it - done, it’s over. Fire is there. Water is there. To turn off the fire, you can pour the water on it. If you want more fire, you can add the air to make more fire. It’s simple. But you need to go in it. It’s an unbelievable leela loka (divine play). This whole creation is unbelievable. That’s what you have to see in your lifetime, in that journey. Once you link the journey - done.
It’s all linked to one major comment, one major block, one problem. How to work on that one problem? Then the story starts. Then, that story is linked to your gene code. You can change the fragrance of your soul to whatever you like. You can start erasing your, this life sufferings started many lifetimes back. Whatever you are going through, you don’t need to have any more headaches. You can keep erasing all the headaches, whatever you’ve been through. It’s not that easy but it’s very, very easy. Just with one problem, keep go, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it.
Last night in my meditation, I started around 2 a.m. until 4 am, in my life journey I hit almost a hundred thousand years back, as much as I could really push it. It’s not a joke. Today you feel it’s a joke. Once you start in that driving, you don’t care about this lifetime. You don’t care. You want to be in that consciousness stage - that is the fragrance. But how much you detect about your consciousness stages in clarity way, that’s very important to you to be able to read your file. Yourself, you keep reading it, reading it, reading it. That’s why Ramana Maharshi asked, ‘Who am I? Who am I?’ That’s his… he wants to know that consciousness stage, ‘Who am I?’ That’s his entire life message, his austerities. Everybody, many masters and saints and gurus they say, “You’re a part of God.” Good. “You’re the light.” Good. How? How is it possible? That you need to know.