Christmas means bringing the light to every person in their heart - to remove the darkness. The great soul came on earth to remove the darkness in each person. It’s good and wonderful, but there’s a lot of saints like a Jesus Christ from many, many thousands of years they came, and they’ve gone, but the top-most powerful soul is Jesus Christ.
You're really dedicated, surrendered and fall in love with no matter what, whoever it is, either Jesus Christ, or Baba, or Buddha, any Maharishis, moon energy, sun energy, all elements, Shiva, Shakti, Mother, Babaji, Guruji, whoever you like - fine.
You're really dedicated, surrendered and fall in love with no matter what, whoever it is, either Jesus Christ, or Baba, or Buddha, any Maharishis, moon energy, sun energy, all elements, Shiva, Shakti, Mother, Babaji, Guruji, whoever you like - fine.