If you really seeing the angels, divine angels... you’re really seeing a person, a holy man having a huge energy, you know he have power. How to receive from him or your seeing some power is walking, some angels is going this way, you know that for sure, how to suck that energy? Many people saying in this castle, in this church, in this temple, a father four hundred years back, a father’s soul is still living in this church. He have enormous energy, still he sometimes, still he is walking in this church.
It’s my personal experience when I went to one time to Mysore. It’s a beautiful old church near the Mysore. It’s a small village...I went to my friend’s party, wedding party. In India you know, lot of mosquitoes, my biggest allergy is mosquitoes. You can’t find a small mosquito in my bedrooms, always the mosquito coils burning day and night – period, a lot of mosquitoes... All my friends sleeping, “Gosh, I can’t sleep,” at one thirty, two a.m. I wake up.
Church that small old church... It’s a small village, like a hundred houses, small church is there. There is not enough doors to close it, it’s open. Just I wake up I walk to the church, walking in the street. A person having a white dress, long robe and he is sitting to the cross bending his head - something he’s reading. There is no lights at all, complete dark. Entire in the darkness only I’m seeing him. In one corner there is a small oil lamp, like this oil lamp is there. There is no chance he can read clearly the letters, it is very distance. Suppose the oil lamp is there, from there you can read that - no chance. He is reading.
I’m little foolish at the time. “Who is this man reading now like one a.m. or one thirty a.m.?” I thought, “Anyhow, it is not my business. He is doing something, he’s doing something prayers.” Then again, the dogs barking, just little that distance. Then I turn, I started to say, ”Hey,” before I saying, “Hey,” again I felt maybe I am giving disturbance to him. Just I turn to say, “Hey,” to the dog, again I turn back, “Maybe I’m disturbing this guy,” I watching him. That person who was sitting on this side, in a second he is sitting on that side - not even three to four seconds, I am one hundred percent positive.
Then I shout, “Hey, look!” Here he is today in my hands, he can’t escape. I got, I bring up my energy very strongly, he can’t escape from me, “Come on.” Suppose if you seen something there, how can we say that? You are a good hunter, in an open ground there is a deer, beautiful open ground with all walls, with very open you have many bullets, any bullet you can hit it. Like that with my energy I am so confident, such a huge confident I brought up. How to bring that confidence I will explain that process also.
Look this funny guy, that Father, he’s like four hundred and fifty years back, still he want to… his desire when he connected to the Jesus, his desire he wants to stay forever and ever, forever and ever in that place to everyday connect with the Jesus and the angels. That’s his desire, he don’t want to go next life. He want to hanging in that church, but he never developed that church. He never focus the energy on the people to make it bigger one because of, he don’t like too much negativity coming and throwing on that churches, that church.
Okay, that’s next matter...simply watched that guy. Immediately he moved that, that side in a second. Then I get shock, “Okay, how to suck divine energy from him? How I can communicate with him? How the beginning stage to handle with him?” I can’t go straightly, “Hey, I’m so and so.” Immediately in a seconds he will go, disappear or big… There is no more thought in my mind, simply he know I’m there, one hundred percent he know. He’s reading and then he’s saying, “Kaleshwar?” I open my heart, “Please, I want to talk to you. Give me permission. I want to little more, I want to do conversation with you. I am so happy, I’m so glad I’m here. Thank you for giving darshan. Thank you for appearing to me, but I want to see your face. I want to see your face.” At the time, actually I’m expecting something, to get something from him, but again my mind changed, “I don’t want… expect anything from you. I don’t want to give trouble to your prayers. Just I want to see your face. I want to spend little time with you like face to face,” like that, in my soul talking.
When I started to think in my heart, you have to observe very carefully why I’m saying this... Then he started, “Kaleshwar, welcome.” I’m trying to walk to, near to him - so heavy my legs to move to near to him. Such strong, brave person I am - on the moments, psychologically fear attacking me. That fear, it’s growing and growing, it is becoming huge bigger! Then, again I prayed on my Master, “Hey, Baba, what you doing here? This is the right moments. You gave a, such a huge connection channels to connect, can see, can contact with the supernatural things in the universe, but the right position came, but I’m not able. My body is not accepting to go to near to him. Please, what is this happening there? Do you understand my feelings there? You gave the channels to me, but I am not going to able to reach to him. Please!” Like in a second, like again free person, like step each moment God wants to test you. Each step, even though you have the right time, even though the time is yours, you are the king to your kingdom, but still God have power until to you reach, you sit, “Okay, I am the king.” Until to you say that word, he have full power until to you reach and sit your chair, he will can test you.
Then I went very close to him. He is sitting on the table, orange table. I went like a dias, just I sit on the dias and watching him. He have a big beard, until to the beard, the hairs is until to like here. He have a book, that book I watch, that book is complete with a huge light, his hands is huge light. Okay, it’s not my, I can't expect. How we say that? I can’t express how power it is, how it is energy, so power.
Okay, then in my life that is one of the first time taking like my two hands and doing like this (together like in prayer). Then he’s laughing, “Oh you are doing pranams to me. Oh, you are doing pranams to me.” Then I start to, “Who are you?” I asking, “Who are you?” “Who am I? You don’t know?” “Please I want to know who are you?” “That is not your business, what do you want?” Straightly, “That’s not your business, what do you want?” Just I said, “I need your love. I need your love.” Immediately, his answer, “That’s why I brought you here. That’s why I brought you here.” At the time, first time, I ask to him. It’s a little private but I’ll go in different way... At the first time I experience the Jesus energy with one hundred percent clearly, one hundred percent clearly like that, like a matter of fifteen seconds, ten to fifteen seconds. Next day morning, just fifteen seconds after that Father disappear, that energy disappear... Wherever he sat and doing prayers, I slept there. You know my nature when I slept, I wake up at like 11:00 a.m., like 12:00 noon, like 1:00 p.m.
Whole that village, actually the party is at seven thirty, eight o’clock, it’s a marriage vacation. I have to create the mangal sutra - you know mangal sutra, gold chain. I have to give the two rings. I’m the main person but I am sleeping in the church. Whole... is on the bench. Even who walk in like the church, they can't see I’m seeping there. You understand? The table it’s covering. They stop the wedding, entire the village they’re searching for me. They’re going that fields to the swimming pools, wells, maybe I went to take shower. “Hey where is the guy, where he is?” Only the small kids who was playing, who comes in the church, they’re playing and they goes away.
Some Fridays, some festivals, only at that time they decorates that church some painting and do prayers, they go. Few Christians is there living - mostly the Hindus. It’s an old church nobody enters that. Like 11:30am I wake up like that, “What’s time now? Oh my gosh!” Then, I started to walking in the street like a drowsy man, drunken man. Then I said to my friends, “I’m so sorry I was unable to come to your wedding, I had this experience!” At the time all my friends have big opinion on me, I’m a hysteria patient, my friends. But some devotees, they believes on me, “Okay, anyhow we are already three or four hours late, please let’s celebrate now.” Then I sended a blessing to that couples.