Here in Penukonda there is a Darga Baba Fakruddin - Muslim’s Darga. Actually, he was born in Saudi Arabia. He came from Mecca - that is my strongest feeling. He came six hundred years, five hundred fifty, six hundred years back, to this Penukonda.
When I came out from my home, when my parents kicked me out of my home, I came to that Darga mosque, Muslim temple. In the temple inside if we enter there is lot of, like a samadhi. You know samadhi structure - lot of flowers. I went inside. Just I sat in the meditation. He’s like an avadhut energy man. He’s like avadhut.
His master he gave a neem, small neem- what we call – branch, small leaf branch. In the villages, also some people, even now, they’ll clean their teeth through the neem. You know that? Neem. His master, Baba Fakruddin, this Muslim master, his guru is Jeegia Fakruddin - Jeegia Fakruddin Sahad. In Mecca he gave a small branch. One early morning when his master is washing the teeth Baba Fakruddin, he’s saying, “Oh my master where I have to go? What is my position? You never gave advice to me. Many, many years I am doing service here.”
Just he gave his neem, that stick. “You travel entire the globe. Everyday nighttime wherever you’re sleeping just you put that stick to the ground and you sleep there. If the next day morning that neem stick, if it grows with leaves, that is your place.” Then he thought, “Oh yea, great.” Then he asked, “Can you please explain which direction I have to go, at least? Please give a clue?” He said, “Go to India.”
When I came out from my home, when my parents kicked me out of my home, I came to that Darga mosque, Muslim temple. In the temple inside if we enter there is lot of, like a samadhi. You know samadhi structure - lot of flowers. I went inside. Just I sat in the meditation. He’s like an avadhut energy man. He’s like avadhut.
His master he gave a neem, small neem- what we call – branch, small leaf branch. In the villages, also some people, even now, they’ll clean their teeth through the neem. You know that? Neem. His master, Baba Fakruddin, this Muslim master, his guru is Jeegia Fakruddin - Jeegia Fakruddin Sahad. In Mecca he gave a small branch. One early morning when his master is washing the teeth Baba Fakruddin, he’s saying, “Oh my master where I have to go? What is my position? You never gave advice to me. Many, many years I am doing service here.”
Just he gave his neem, that stick. “You travel entire the globe. Everyday nighttime wherever you’re sleeping just you put that stick to the ground and you sleep there. If the next day morning that neem stick, if it grows with leaves, that is your place.” Then he thought, “Oh yea, great.” Then he asked, “Can you please explain which direction I have to go, at least? Please give a clue?” He said, “Go to India.”

He came to India. At that time it was the Krishna Devaraya Emperor period. He has at the time Muslims - it means there is a lot of revolution just killing out, no more - just cutting the heads off. There is a lot of religion problems at the time. He came, poor guy, in this village. He doesn’t know that it is his spot. He slept one night and put his stick. Next day morning it became a small tree with leaves - then his heart started to beat high pressure, “Oh my God what is this leela? This is entire Hinduism country, complete Vishnu, Shiva, and everything! This is the religious temples - how can I can spread my messages here?”
On the days there’s a lot of powerful austerities’ people. He and his little bit students follow him. They’re super hungry. One bit bullock (male cow) he’s sleeping. On the day it’s Ramjam (Muslim celebration day) and they’re super hungry and he’s teaching a kind of, “All religions is one.” On the days, Hinduism is super powerful. Nobody is feeding them. His students asked the master, “We’re super hungry, what should we do?” He told, “You see the bullock, just kill it, cook it and eat it.” They killed it and they ate that and they threw all the bones in one side. All the Penukonda village attacked on Baba Frakkudin, “How dare you are to killing the bullock.” The cow, the bullock, is very holy to Hindu tradition. You know what I’m saying? It’s very holy. It’s like the symbol for the Shiva, symbol for the Mother… they worships it. He said, “We didn’t kill your bullock.” The villagers are ferocious. They’re almost attacking on him for killing it. Then he called to wake up the bullock. All the bones they gathered and he told the students to throw the dust on the bones. They threw all the sand dust to make it like packed. The dust turned – used the earth element, to make again the bullock to come back. He said, “Take the bullock - get out.”
Then slowly he started to teach very delicately. Then Krishna Devaraya he put a lot of testings to him, “Ok we heard about a lot of great things about you - come.” He and, Krishna Devaraya’s, one guru. In the history they didn’t write about that topest guru. Then both the guys… You know calcium carbonate - like if you put the calcium it burns. The rocks, calcium carbonate, CaCO3 - the rocks - cooked rocks, if you put in the water it starts to steam, it burns.
At the time they made challenge, “Ok, is Krishna Devaraya’s master great, or you are the great? We want to put to testings both of guys.” What is my testing means, in a big bath, half calcium carbonate rocks - they have to sit – again, on the top on them calcium carbonate rocks sealed in to the both of guys. In that same lake, if we throw them in the lake, the pond, what happens generally? The flesh, that bones, everything will melt. It will dissolve.
Then Krishna Devaraya’s master, he died in the water. Then Frakuddin went out of that pond. That hill he opened and he walked to that. There is a mountain, one mountain there. At the side of mountain he made a Azan. You know Azan? Calling the prayer of Muslim prayer, “Allah” and he came down, “God is one. All religions is one. I don’t care to stay here or go, but it is my Master’s order.”
That neem stick is still. Even now, we can see that small temple, but it’s a little dangerous sometimes, if we go in the temple. Every year the Ramadan Festivals - the sugar starts to flow from that tree. It’s dead now - it completely died - the sugar, huge sugar starts to flow from that tree. Hundreds of thousands of people witnessed that miracle from that Darga. Especially, this place, incredible energy in this fort, in this area - unbelievable powerful vibrations.
On the days there’s a lot of powerful austerities’ people. He and his little bit students follow him. They’re super hungry. One bit bullock (male cow) he’s sleeping. On the day it’s Ramjam (Muslim celebration day) and they’re super hungry and he’s teaching a kind of, “All religions is one.” On the days, Hinduism is super powerful. Nobody is feeding them. His students asked the master, “We’re super hungry, what should we do?” He told, “You see the bullock, just kill it, cook it and eat it.” They killed it and they ate that and they threw all the bones in one side. All the Penukonda village attacked on Baba Frakkudin, “How dare you are to killing the bullock.” The cow, the bullock, is very holy to Hindu tradition. You know what I’m saying? It’s very holy. It’s like the symbol for the Shiva, symbol for the Mother… they worships it. He said, “We didn’t kill your bullock.” The villagers are ferocious. They’re almost attacking on him for killing it. Then he called to wake up the bullock. All the bones they gathered and he told the students to throw the dust on the bones. They threw all the sand dust to make it like packed. The dust turned – used the earth element, to make again the bullock to come back. He said, “Take the bullock - get out.”
Then slowly he started to teach very delicately. Then Krishna Devaraya he put a lot of testings to him, “Ok we heard about a lot of great things about you - come.” He and, Krishna Devaraya’s, one guru. In the history they didn’t write about that topest guru. Then both the guys… You know calcium carbonate - like if you put the calcium it burns. The rocks, calcium carbonate, CaCO3 - the rocks - cooked rocks, if you put in the water it starts to steam, it burns.
At the time they made challenge, “Ok, is Krishna Devaraya’s master great, or you are the great? We want to put to testings both of guys.” What is my testing means, in a big bath, half calcium carbonate rocks - they have to sit – again, on the top on them calcium carbonate rocks sealed in to the both of guys. In that same lake, if we throw them in the lake, the pond, what happens generally? The flesh, that bones, everything will melt. It will dissolve.
Then Krishna Devaraya’s master, he died in the water. Then Frakuddin went out of that pond. That hill he opened and he walked to that. There is a mountain, one mountain there. At the side of mountain he made a Azan. You know Azan? Calling the prayer of Muslim prayer, “Allah” and he came down, “God is one. All religions is one. I don’t care to stay here or go, but it is my Master’s order.”
That neem stick is still. Even now, we can see that small temple, but it’s a little dangerous sometimes, if we go in the temple. Every year the Ramadan Festivals - the sugar starts to flow from that tree. It’s dead now - it completely died - the sugar, huge sugar starts to flow from that tree. Hundreds of thousands of people witnessed that miracle from that Darga. Especially, this place, incredible energy in this fort, in this area - unbelievable powerful vibrations.

Then during my earlier time, after leaving my parent’s house, when I’m inside in that Darga, inside his Samadhi - just I touched my two hands. I put my two hand to touch like, you know touching like that (palms down touching tomb). When I’m as a student here, my two hands he catched! I’m trying my maximum best to get it back. Like near, near fifteen minutes maximum I tried. He caught me and he’s laughing, “Ok. If you have the stamina – ok, take back your hands.”
It’s not my psychiatric problems. Then I’m begging, “Please!” I have huge panic attack! My heart is beating so high, “Hey!” the message, very clearly, very clearly. Inside they never allowed many people only like two, three in a one hour. “Please what do you want?” “You have to stay in this Penukonda. You have to do lot of dharma here.”
“Oh yea. Thank you so much!” Hey, I can’t say no. If I say no I don’t know then, my hand’s position. So, “Ok. Fine. I will stay in Penukonda. What else? Please first release my hands!”
He’s laughing, “Come on.” He’s like having a huge beard, huge beard and unbelievable glorious face. “These crazy people created lot of religions on this planet. I’m seeing in your soul capacity you have lot of capability. You can bring some good energy in this planet. Please. You have to stay. My energy brought you here, to this city, to study.”
Actually where my parents stay, I am intermediate in Sathya Sai Junior College. But in that area there is no science group. There is a university college, but there is no science group. I have to come to here or I have to go to another city. Then I came here. He said, “Through my energy I brought you here. Then your master - I’m not your master, but your master one hundred percent he’ll make you to stay here, to build his temple, to bring the message in the world.”
At that time I can't understand even one percent what he’s talking about. “That’s fine. Ok, that’s fine! Ok, wonderful! Ok, I’m so sorry!” just being like myself. Then I came out with the huge crying and huge fear. In the line the beggars, all people sitting. See his nature? From the temple again he came back in a begging line list.
My position, when I came out from my home, I have no home. I kept my clothes in the beggar’s place. My father kicked me out. I’m so crazy. Always wherever I go always meditating. I never go classes. Always absent in the classroom. The professors are complaining to my father. It’s a lot of weird things I am doing in the home, so my father decided, “If I kick him out he will really starve the food. He has no food. He has to come back home. He will strictly follow whatever I say.” That’s what he planned. He kicked me out.
It’s not my psychiatric problems. Then I’m begging, “Please!” I have huge panic attack! My heart is beating so high, “Hey!” the message, very clearly, very clearly. Inside they never allowed many people only like two, three in a one hour. “Please what do you want?” “You have to stay in this Penukonda. You have to do lot of dharma here.”
“Oh yea. Thank you so much!” Hey, I can’t say no. If I say no I don’t know then, my hand’s position. So, “Ok. Fine. I will stay in Penukonda. What else? Please first release my hands!”
He’s laughing, “Come on.” He’s like having a huge beard, huge beard and unbelievable glorious face. “These crazy people created lot of religions on this planet. I’m seeing in your soul capacity you have lot of capability. You can bring some good energy in this planet. Please. You have to stay. My energy brought you here, to this city, to study.”
Actually where my parents stay, I am intermediate in Sathya Sai Junior College. But in that area there is no science group. There is a university college, but there is no science group. I have to come to here or I have to go to another city. Then I came here. He said, “Through my energy I brought you here. Then your master - I’m not your master, but your master one hundred percent he’ll make you to stay here, to build his temple, to bring the message in the world.”
At that time I can't understand even one percent what he’s talking about. “That’s fine. Ok, that’s fine! Ok, wonderful! Ok, I’m so sorry!” just being like myself. Then I came out with the huge crying and huge fear. In the line the beggars, all people sitting. See his nature? From the temple again he came back in a begging line list.
My position, when I came out from my home, I have no home. I kept my clothes in the beggar’s place. My father kicked me out. I’m so crazy. Always wherever I go always meditating. I never go classes. Always absent in the classroom. The professors are complaining to my father. It’s a lot of weird things I am doing in the home, so my father decided, “If I kick him out he will really starve the food. He has no food. He has to come back home. He will strictly follow whatever I say.” That’s what he planned. He kicked me out.

But I thought, “Oh such a great gift, boon to me! Now I am free bird!” I came. My association is, “Beggar Association” at the time. I put my clothes and my books there. In the line one person is sitting, very old man with huge beard, and he’s also taking ganjay smoke very strongly. It’s already like evening hours. I have no place to sleep. I have to sleep that corner where the old man is sitting. I reserved that place, “Hey, never. This is my place. Hey, this is my place. Nobody. No!” He smiled, “Ok no problem. This is your place.”
When I am sleeping at 1:30 to 2:00 am he came close to me. He started to make my hairs like - what we call - petting. And suddenly I opened my eyes. He’s crying. I thought, “He’s always drinking alcohol and taking ganjay. Who drinks the alcohol their nature is to start crying.” I’m screaming on him, “Why you disturbing me? Why you touching me? Go and take sleep!” He said, “Stupid, wake up.”
I have a lot of insecurity. He’s like little leader there in the beggars. He can kick me out. “Ok tell me what you want. I’m so sorry, I have no rupees to give you. Already I lost my money to buy for you ganjay. I will try to give you tomorrow.” “I don’t want money. Come on.” Then he started to tell some techniques. Some of the techniques, how the world it is, how the negativity it is. Then at the time it’s little interesting to listening his voice just, “Ok, go ahead.” Then he keeps on talking and talking and talking and talking. “Such type of souls this is, such type of souls in universe.” Many, many healing techniques secret things he explained, how to heal.
Then I asked, “Is it true?” “Yes, it’s true.” “If you have this much supernatural powers techniques, why your condition - position is like with the dirty clothes, always drinking alcohol and ganjay?”
“My dear boy I can make millions of dollars, billions of dollars but automatically the negativity comes around me. Then this type of happiness I never enjoy again. If I get the money, if I have the money, I am a normal man - the illusions comes and hits - one hundred percent. If I stay in my position, always begging, whatever, I need only that much what I can beg, I can take it. Who really wants my help I can make them, demand, “Ok, give this much money,” for comfortable, then no more. Again, peaceful. That is the best way who really wants to reach highest destiny in the universe.” Lot of interesting things he explained. Then I started to go everyday to him to make him to talk. Sometimes he never cares about me. Sometimes huge loving, “Ok, come.” Making him to walk little while from that mosque to Darga, the temple, to two kilometers to three kilometers.
All my college students they’re thinking on me a hundred percent, I’m the biggest, big crazy guy. In the classroom I’m the last bench sitting. Even though the master whatever he’s teaching just my eyes are looking to him, but mind is thinking different. The professors also insulted me unbelievably horrible in front of everybody, “Ok, stand up on the bench.” Like everyday the professor they’re coming, “Oh Kaleshwar, are you listening? Can you tell me what I told?” I don’t know what he said. “Bring your notebook.” “It’s empty.” “What you wrote?” No lips just simply innocently looking to him.
“Hey tell me what’s your position? What do you want?”
I said, “I don’t want learn to these studies.”
“But why are you coming to the college?”
“It’s my parent’s order. I have to study that’s why I’m coming here.”
Then again, they’re complaining to my father. My father he’s simply answering, “I have only one son. I have no two sons anymore. I have only one son. Thank you so much. You do whatever you want. He’s that much crazy.” Then the professors, especially in India, they’re so mean. They’re making me to stand up in the classroom like that. All the girls, the boys, it’s like a normal to them, “Kaleshwar? Ok, he always stands up.”
One year later, one year later, one lecturer he has some family problems. He started to talking very crazily on me. Then he really tempted me a lot one day, talking very crazy words. After the class is over, later in the rest period time, I went in his room. “I want to talk to you privately.”
His answer, “What? Get out. Why you want to talk to me? No.” Then I started to say certain things in his life. “You have this much problem, this problem, this problem, this problem.” “What? How do you know this?” something, his personal confidential problems. “Ok come in. Come in.” Then I started to talk to him deeply. Then he made a chair, “Please sit.” After one hour he stood up. Then I’m talking. Then he started crying.
From that day onwards, the classroom is little different. If I go inside the classroom he treated me like a king. I’m not kidding. You can talk to that lecturer. I can make. I want to introduce that lecturer. Still he is here. And all my homework he’s making. He’s making the botany the card sheets, the diagrams, everything. I have no time. He’s drawing himself and he’s making. All college friends they’re so surprising, “Hey what you did?”
Sometimes in the laboratory, in the chemistry lab, we have to do some practical things. When they gave the something salt, something object, we have to find out what it is, ammonium sulfate or ammonium carbonate, like something. In the beginning when they gave it, “Why I need to test this? This is ammonium carbonate.” Their reactions going “Oh gosh.” From the second day onward, they started to know me. To the class friends, taking the rocks, changing them like a sugar canes, sugar cane rocks, sugar candies - many, many stuff. Giving a little punishment to Mahmat Kahn sometimes. Many, many stories…
Finally I failed in the degree. I didn’t appear to the examinations. I didn’t. There is no time. On the forty-first day exactly I have to go certain places to meditate. I can't find the time. Finally I passed all subjects one year later. I reapplied, got permission, passed them.
The lifestyle…even though I took mentally responsibility problems, to the soul what’s my goal? Why I’m telling this story, I’m coming to that point. I never missed. I never ignored. Even though the beautiful girls is smiling treating me like garbage, even though the class friends is treating me like garbage, I never cared, “Ok it’s fine. My aim is my aim. Doing it.” Like that way my life has gone. Now, still it’s there. Still in the different illusions, still it is running. It’s a huge message to everybody. You have to be so strong, even though your life, whatever, you have to keep it. Enjoy that, but enjoy this too, otherwise no use of your life. You have to create your life something special, something special in spirituality.
When I am sleeping at 1:30 to 2:00 am he came close to me. He started to make my hairs like - what we call - petting. And suddenly I opened my eyes. He’s crying. I thought, “He’s always drinking alcohol and taking ganjay. Who drinks the alcohol their nature is to start crying.” I’m screaming on him, “Why you disturbing me? Why you touching me? Go and take sleep!” He said, “Stupid, wake up.”
I have a lot of insecurity. He’s like little leader there in the beggars. He can kick me out. “Ok tell me what you want. I’m so sorry, I have no rupees to give you. Already I lost my money to buy for you ganjay. I will try to give you tomorrow.” “I don’t want money. Come on.” Then he started to tell some techniques. Some of the techniques, how the world it is, how the negativity it is. Then at the time it’s little interesting to listening his voice just, “Ok, go ahead.” Then he keeps on talking and talking and talking and talking. “Such type of souls this is, such type of souls in universe.” Many, many healing techniques secret things he explained, how to heal.
Then I asked, “Is it true?” “Yes, it’s true.” “If you have this much supernatural powers techniques, why your condition - position is like with the dirty clothes, always drinking alcohol and ganjay?”
“My dear boy I can make millions of dollars, billions of dollars but automatically the negativity comes around me. Then this type of happiness I never enjoy again. If I get the money, if I have the money, I am a normal man - the illusions comes and hits - one hundred percent. If I stay in my position, always begging, whatever, I need only that much what I can beg, I can take it. Who really wants my help I can make them, demand, “Ok, give this much money,” for comfortable, then no more. Again, peaceful. That is the best way who really wants to reach highest destiny in the universe.” Lot of interesting things he explained. Then I started to go everyday to him to make him to talk. Sometimes he never cares about me. Sometimes huge loving, “Ok, come.” Making him to walk little while from that mosque to Darga, the temple, to two kilometers to three kilometers.
All my college students they’re thinking on me a hundred percent, I’m the biggest, big crazy guy. In the classroom I’m the last bench sitting. Even though the master whatever he’s teaching just my eyes are looking to him, but mind is thinking different. The professors also insulted me unbelievably horrible in front of everybody, “Ok, stand up on the bench.” Like everyday the professor they’re coming, “Oh Kaleshwar, are you listening? Can you tell me what I told?” I don’t know what he said. “Bring your notebook.” “It’s empty.” “What you wrote?” No lips just simply innocently looking to him.
“Hey tell me what’s your position? What do you want?”
I said, “I don’t want learn to these studies.”
“But why are you coming to the college?”
“It’s my parent’s order. I have to study that’s why I’m coming here.”
Then again, they’re complaining to my father. My father he’s simply answering, “I have only one son. I have no two sons anymore. I have only one son. Thank you so much. You do whatever you want. He’s that much crazy.” Then the professors, especially in India, they’re so mean. They’re making me to stand up in the classroom like that. All the girls, the boys, it’s like a normal to them, “Kaleshwar? Ok, he always stands up.”
One year later, one year later, one lecturer he has some family problems. He started to talking very crazily on me. Then he really tempted me a lot one day, talking very crazy words. After the class is over, later in the rest period time, I went in his room. “I want to talk to you privately.”
His answer, “What? Get out. Why you want to talk to me? No.” Then I started to say certain things in his life. “You have this much problem, this problem, this problem, this problem.” “What? How do you know this?” something, his personal confidential problems. “Ok come in. Come in.” Then I started to talk to him deeply. Then he made a chair, “Please sit.” After one hour he stood up. Then I’m talking. Then he started crying.
From that day onwards, the classroom is little different. If I go inside the classroom he treated me like a king. I’m not kidding. You can talk to that lecturer. I can make. I want to introduce that lecturer. Still he is here. And all my homework he’s making. He’s making the botany the card sheets, the diagrams, everything. I have no time. He’s drawing himself and he’s making. All college friends they’re so surprising, “Hey what you did?”
Sometimes in the laboratory, in the chemistry lab, we have to do some practical things. When they gave the something salt, something object, we have to find out what it is, ammonium sulfate or ammonium carbonate, like something. In the beginning when they gave it, “Why I need to test this? This is ammonium carbonate.” Their reactions going “Oh gosh.” From the second day onward, they started to know me. To the class friends, taking the rocks, changing them like a sugar canes, sugar cane rocks, sugar candies - many, many stuff. Giving a little punishment to Mahmat Kahn sometimes. Many, many stories…
Finally I failed in the degree. I didn’t appear to the examinations. I didn’t. There is no time. On the forty-first day exactly I have to go certain places to meditate. I can't find the time. Finally I passed all subjects one year later. I reapplied, got permission, passed them.
The lifestyle…even though I took mentally responsibility problems, to the soul what’s my goal? Why I’m telling this story, I’m coming to that point. I never missed. I never ignored. Even though the beautiful girls is smiling treating me like garbage, even though the class friends is treating me like garbage, I never cared, “Ok it’s fine. My aim is my aim. Doing it.” Like that way my life has gone. Now, still it’s there. Still in the different illusions, still it is running. It’s a huge message to everybody. You have to be so strong, even though your life, whatever, you have to keep it. Enjoy that, but enjoy this too, otherwise no use of your life. You have to create your life something special, something special in spirituality.