Swami gave this talk immediately after coming back into his body after taking a Yoga Samadhi for approximately twenty-three hours. During this time of soul travel, Swami’s body was completely dead – no heartbeat or bodily functions, it was overseen by a medical doctor who can verify this. After Swami left his body, many of his students got to witness this by going into his room, touching his big toe and experiencing the miracle energy.
One of Swami’s reasons for taking this Samadhi was to attend a conference of divine souls where reports on different parts of the universe took place along with discussions on how to help... Swami was expecting to be gone from his body two to three days, instead he came back early because everyone was interested on how the planet Earth was doing – they had Swami talk first. The following talk is Swami’s experiences during his soul travel.
Every person’s karma is responsible to only himself ninety percent - ten percent is not in his hands. He’s doing with his consciousness, he’s doing completely with his heart, whatever wrong things, he knows that he’s doing wrong. So, in the judgement it finally came - everybody is innocent and whatever is coming, it’s completely the negativity is making them doing like this stuff. That’s why the whole creation nowadays, is spoiled with the huge negativity, because they’re living in the negativity, they’re enjoying in the negativity. Much percentage, they’re living in the negativity that’s why it’s all coming up. So it’s impossible to the normal people to suck the huge, positive energy - so it’s not good to them to give the punishment, to give that, to give that. I never accepted that - whatever I wanted I got it - I came down.
In another planet - it’s not believable whatever I say. Everybody thinks it’s a little crazy, “Swami what are you talking about?” It makes everybody confused and doubting, crazy. I don’t want to talk my experience, but it’s true. One king, unfortunately he’s suffering with his enemies. In the last minute, in last three, four minutes, the enemies are going to kill him. At the time, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, when we’re on the way back (from the conference), Ramakrishna Paramahamsa helped the king to get out from them.
One of Swami’s reasons for taking this Samadhi was to attend a conference of divine souls where reports on different parts of the universe took place along with discussions on how to help... Swami was expecting to be gone from his body two to three days, instead he came back early because everyone was interested on how the planet Earth was doing – they had Swami talk first. The following talk is Swami’s experiences during his soul travel.
Every person’s karma is responsible to only himself ninety percent - ten percent is not in his hands. He’s doing with his consciousness, he’s doing completely with his heart, whatever wrong things, he knows that he’s doing wrong. So, in the judgement it finally came - everybody is innocent and whatever is coming, it’s completely the negativity is making them doing like this stuff. That’s why the whole creation nowadays, is spoiled with the huge negativity, because they’re living in the negativity, they’re enjoying in the negativity. Much percentage, they’re living in the negativity that’s why it’s all coming up. So it’s impossible to the normal people to suck the huge, positive energy - so it’s not good to them to give the punishment, to give that, to give that. I never accepted that - whatever I wanted I got it - I came down.
In another planet - it’s not believable whatever I say. Everybody thinks it’s a little crazy, “Swami what are you talking about?” It makes everybody confused and doubting, crazy. I don’t want to talk my experience, but it’s true. One king, unfortunately he’s suffering with his enemies. In the last minute, in last three, four minutes, the enemies are going to kill him. At the time, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, when we’re on the way back (from the conference), Ramakrishna Paramahamsa helped the king to get out from them.
Few minutes Paramahamsa made to everybody, fifteen people - the enemies in the forest holding that king - he made them completely blind. The king, he escaped and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and I gave a darshan to him. He’s a pure Mother Divine devotee, he’s praying and praying three days to get help - to get out from the enemies. And we talked, we told him we came from Earth and completely he surrendered his heart thankfully.
Actually we saved his life - not me so much, but Paramahamsa. And I gave one advice to him. He’s a big guy, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, if you need any help... and I gave a key point about Paramahamsa, “That if you call any time, he can come to you. He’s a good friend.” And he’s (King) crying and crying and crying and I gave a small little bit ash balls - we came out.
Like this planet, there’s many, many planets outside of the galaxy. It’s not believable even if I talked, “Oh Swami, talk about this planet.” Who cares about that planet, in this planet (Earth), completely unhappy, unworthy, tension, depression with bad habits, negativity, confusions, struggling, fear, no faith - these are all big roots in this planet - all this huge planet is standing in these roots. Ninety-eight percent, every soul is filled with these things nowadays. Huge work, to work out to make it clear - really big, big, big, big donkey service for the saints to make it happen!
In another planet it’s only ten, fifteen percent, even seven hundred, eight hundred years back, not this much negativity here. Two thousand year’s back very less – three thousand year’s back very, very less. Nowadays, oh gosh, in future it’s going high, then it’s coming down and down and down.
Other planet’s persons, they have four hands with three eyes. Some persons, they’re like normal heads - like crocodiles - they can fly. They will talk - huge knowledge people, incredible powerful people. It’s very impossible to cross their borders - they stop them. If one soul wants to cross their borders, before he needs to take the permission, “We’re crossing this border to go to so and so place...” Generally, ninety-eight percent they never give the problems.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, five years back, his experience he told. Somebody stopped him for three days like a prisoner, “No way, you can’t go!” Some crazy souls huge powerful persons, “C’mon, who cares, stay here...” because they have incredible capacity. Even though Ramakrishna has incredible capacity, they have full power to keep him, “Stand here, where are you going? Who gave the permission to you? Why are you going through this way?” He said, “Hey, every year I’m going through this way.”
Even the people they know it’s true, but they keep him to tease him - to torture him, to disturbing - negative forces...
Actually we saved his life - not me so much, but Paramahamsa. And I gave one advice to him. He’s a big guy, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, if you need any help... and I gave a key point about Paramahamsa, “That if you call any time, he can come to you. He’s a good friend.” And he’s (King) crying and crying and crying and I gave a small little bit ash balls - we came out.
Like this planet, there’s many, many planets outside of the galaxy. It’s not believable even if I talked, “Oh Swami, talk about this planet.” Who cares about that planet, in this planet (Earth), completely unhappy, unworthy, tension, depression with bad habits, negativity, confusions, struggling, fear, no faith - these are all big roots in this planet - all this huge planet is standing in these roots. Ninety-eight percent, every soul is filled with these things nowadays. Huge work, to work out to make it clear - really big, big, big, big donkey service for the saints to make it happen!
In another planet it’s only ten, fifteen percent, even seven hundred, eight hundred years back, not this much negativity here. Two thousand year’s back very less – three thousand year’s back very, very less. Nowadays, oh gosh, in future it’s going high, then it’s coming down and down and down.
Other planet’s persons, they have four hands with three eyes. Some persons, they’re like normal heads - like crocodiles - they can fly. They will talk - huge knowledge people, incredible powerful people. It’s very impossible to cross their borders - they stop them. If one soul wants to cross their borders, before he needs to take the permission, “We’re crossing this border to go to so and so place...” Generally, ninety-eight percent they never give the problems.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, five years back, his experience he told. Somebody stopped him for three days like a prisoner, “No way, you can’t go!” Some crazy souls huge powerful persons, “C’mon, who cares, stay here...” because they have incredible capacity. Even though Ramakrishna has incredible capacity, they have full power to keep him, “Stand here, where are you going? Who gave the permission to you? Why are you going through this way?” He said, “Hey, every year I’m going through this way.”
Even the people they know it’s true, but they keep him to tease him - to torture him, to disturbing - negative forces...
So it’s outside of this planet - if you cross - there’s a lot of troubles until you reach your destiny and come back. There’s many, many negative demon spirits, huge demon spirits! If you go through their kingdoms, they’re making on some planets - huge crystals. Crystals like castles, crystal castles - they’re living in that, the demons. They have very, very good taste – seriously - big enjoyful. Completely enjoying like a heaven in their kingdoms. They’re planning to control many, many planets, but they’re big fools. They have very, very less knowledge, but huge capacity of the energy, but they don’t know how to use that.
The saints, they can feel those castles from the long distance. They never go to those borders. There’s a big rumor until now - many, many supernatural saint’s souls are prisoners in the big demon’s castles. It’s very impossible to get them out of the castles. It also came in the subject (in the conference) but I didn’t stay to finish everything. The big man Paramahamsa, he forcely grabbed me out. Actually I wanted to dissolve my energy in Mother Divine, but he brought me out - I came out.
Those castles, the demon’s castles, so really glorious... Even if I say like this, “Oh Swami why are you telling like a small children’s stories.” Is it true everybody’s thinking like that?
Students: No!
When I’m going to my destiny, after this galaxy, there is one castle Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, he showed - it’s like small village with big castles. From the long distance you can see the demons walking on the castles with the huge crystal’s light. If our soul enters in that border, then it’s impossible to escape forever and ever - that’s the real big prisoners. To keep this body in the police station somewhere else - that’s one level, but the soul prisoner is really horrible. Many souls, the supernatural saints who were going to their programs, on the way they stagnated by way of touching the wrong spot and the demons asked, “Tell about the God things. Tell the truth.” They want to control them.
Dave: Is it those saint’s karma, that they get caught like that?
Swami: Yes, the saints must be very careful. Entire their lives they must be very careful - that’s period. Until they dissolve their souls in Mother Divine they must be very careful, they must protect themselves. There’s no permission to go, whatever they want, dadadada... Many people who have really good dareness - they’ll go. Otherwise, I told, without having a balloon (life preserver) you can’t swim in the big ocean, you understand? I mentioned that.
But there are some planets - has the huge love people. If they see anybody from another planet, they make you so happy and they’ll teach you their information - their technology. But most dangerous are the demon’s castles. And also, before we’re entering to that conference - surrounding that - there’s a many spy demons coming, ready to attack, to steal the holy saint’s souls from there. They knew something is running, they came out of their castles walking. So when we’re going, we have to be careful to watching, to contacting Mother Divine - doing certain prayers to chanting and chanting to contacting. You cannot stop that until you reach your destiny. Who got caught, it means they’re easy for their souls to get injury from the negative demons.
Tim: Are these other worlds in this dimension - in this galaxy?
Swami: No, outside this galaxy. It takes one and a half minutes to cross this galaxy. In this galaxy, one to one and half minutes - no problem. In this galaxy we have huge control, we can go, we can come - we can laugh. This galaxy completely belongs to us. If we cross to another galaxy it means a new kingdom - completely a different kingdom - you have no rights. All the saints from the different, different galaxies gather there in another galaxy. I’m going to write a book on that. It’s big interesting and everybody’s, ”Oh who-a, who-a.”
Student: Are they in a body on other planets?
Swami: Um-hum - same like our body, but they’re super technology , supernatural technology . This planet’s technology is nothing - the lowest technology planet is earth. Completely dirty, crazy is Earth – seriously - compared with all other planets, this planet is dust, other planets, the guys, what a guys - so wonderful.
Sally: Do these demons rule the planet because you said the planet has only ten to fifteen percent negativity?
The saints, they can feel those castles from the long distance. They never go to those borders. There’s a big rumor until now - many, many supernatural saint’s souls are prisoners in the big demon’s castles. It’s very impossible to get them out of the castles. It also came in the subject (in the conference) but I didn’t stay to finish everything. The big man Paramahamsa, he forcely grabbed me out. Actually I wanted to dissolve my energy in Mother Divine, but he brought me out - I came out.
Those castles, the demon’s castles, so really glorious... Even if I say like this, “Oh Swami why are you telling like a small children’s stories.” Is it true everybody’s thinking like that?
Students: No!
When I’m going to my destiny, after this galaxy, there is one castle Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, he showed - it’s like small village with big castles. From the long distance you can see the demons walking on the castles with the huge crystal’s light. If our soul enters in that border, then it’s impossible to escape forever and ever - that’s the real big prisoners. To keep this body in the police station somewhere else - that’s one level, but the soul prisoner is really horrible. Many souls, the supernatural saints who were going to their programs, on the way they stagnated by way of touching the wrong spot and the demons asked, “Tell about the God things. Tell the truth.” They want to control them.
Dave: Is it those saint’s karma, that they get caught like that?
Swami: Yes, the saints must be very careful. Entire their lives they must be very careful - that’s period. Until they dissolve their souls in Mother Divine they must be very careful, they must protect themselves. There’s no permission to go, whatever they want, dadadada... Many people who have really good dareness - they’ll go. Otherwise, I told, without having a balloon (life preserver) you can’t swim in the big ocean, you understand? I mentioned that.
But there are some planets - has the huge love people. If they see anybody from another planet, they make you so happy and they’ll teach you their information - their technology. But most dangerous are the demon’s castles. And also, before we’re entering to that conference - surrounding that - there’s a many spy demons coming, ready to attack, to steal the holy saint’s souls from there. They knew something is running, they came out of their castles walking. So when we’re going, we have to be careful to watching, to contacting Mother Divine - doing certain prayers to chanting and chanting to contacting. You cannot stop that until you reach your destiny. Who got caught, it means they’re easy for their souls to get injury from the negative demons.
Tim: Are these other worlds in this dimension - in this galaxy?
Swami: No, outside this galaxy. It takes one and a half minutes to cross this galaxy. In this galaxy, one to one and half minutes - no problem. In this galaxy we have huge control, we can go, we can come - we can laugh. This galaxy completely belongs to us. If we cross to another galaxy it means a new kingdom - completely a different kingdom - you have no rights. All the saints from the different, different galaxies gather there in another galaxy. I’m going to write a book on that. It’s big interesting and everybody’s, ”Oh who-a, who-a.”
Student: Are they in a body on other planets?
Swami: Um-hum - same like our body, but they’re super technology , supernatural technology . This planet’s technology is nothing - the lowest technology planet is earth. Completely dirty, crazy is Earth – seriously - compared with all other planets, this planet is dust, other planets, the guys, what a guys - so wonderful.
Sally: Do these demons rule the planet because you said the planet has only ten to fifteen percent negativity?
Swami: They can’t rule it - it’s impossible. But on that, the many, many supernatural saints, they’re being born, they’re teaching, then after little while, they’re (demons) killing them - it’s their karmas. They’re attacking those saints’ lives, to kill them. That’s why the saints are big scared to telling the truth - to teach the real information. If they start to teach, they’ll be in the big trouble! Even if the student’s know a little the knowledge - they’re scared to talk that subject to anybody else. You understand what I’m saying? Their hearts are not completely open to talk on that subject. “Who cares?” They’re going their business, whatever the stuff - diverting. It’s really huge interesting life, it’s really huge interesting.
Norman: How can we imagine... what kind of pictures should we have when you’re traveling? Are you in your body or just plain energy or what kind of image should we have? What do you look like in your soul when you’re traveling, after you left your body in samadhi?
Swami: I can change like you, like me, like Baba, a bird...
Norman: Why did you come back so quickly?
Swami: Because of Paramahamsa Ramakrishna. He thought, it’s a little scary until we finished. I had a thought, “I’m going to stay there.” Then he said, “Hun-un, c’mon.” And I was the first, he was the second and nearly two thousand souls came, but it’s only in that life – one hundred people talking, rest simply listening. Who is really working with many thousands and thousands of people directly to spreading like a nuclear bomb, their information in the universe, only those people had the opportunity to talk. Many souls, they’re not in the bodies eighty, ninety percent, so the first preferences who, for those people who are in the bodies – first two, three, four - like that. And when I talked I asked Mother Divine to easily handle the negativity, to give the permission who is linked to my soul, they can easily handle the negativity. So, just I started and I want to see the results from the people what’s coming.
Ron: Swami, you said the negativity is getting higher here, then goes down...
Swami: From the year 2000 it’s coming down.
Sam: Swami, you said you were going to take some of us with you. Did you do that? Were some of us there?
Swami: No, to myself, to take care of myself it’s a big difficult. In one level I’m a big lazy guy - seriously. In soul life, in this life in this body system, in the soul system, in mind system, I’m big lazy, “Take it easy, why worry...” like that. That’s why, if I really think it’s not a big deal... but my energy with some souls, I pulled out for a little while - giving huge trance, giving some huge imagination to showing some pictures, the reality pictures. Already I gave that but not to travel. Some souls have that already, that power, they experienced it. Who is like that?
Ron: I think Sue saw that.
Swami: Tonight you can remember what you saw - to me only sixty, seventy percent rememberance and I need to meditate deeper level to make remember. When I enter back again in this body, it means again all the illusions, negativity, blocks, covering, completely - that’s called Maya.
Chris: If there’s a soul that’s stolen and kept in those crystal palaces never to be released, can we pray for them, does it help?
Swam: Simple prayers, it’s ok as a big sending love... It needs power of huge energy to send the demons to get them out. The demons are also huge powerful, equal to God you know - tough. Even Mother Divine, she killed lot of rakshasas in this planet. Hey it’s a big story – Chamundeshvari, Mahishasura – it’s huge stories. She turned like Mahishasura Mardini. She fought with Her own hands, lot of huge powerful demons. As a normal saints, normal man, it’s impossible to fight. Then She came from another galaxy to help this planet, and She killed the demons. That’s why in this tradition Mother Divine is so powerful - in all the traditions. That’s why the Maha Kali, that’s the structure when She’s killing the Mahishasura demon - in this planet She fought.
Tim: Aren’t there still demons on this planet?
Swami: Very few, very, very few, not so many. But She killed many demons on this planet directly. She fought them directly with Her sword. She attacked and She killed - there’s a lot of proofs, lot of evidences we can see in this planet.
Norman: How can we imagine... what kind of pictures should we have when you’re traveling? Are you in your body or just plain energy or what kind of image should we have? What do you look like in your soul when you’re traveling, after you left your body in samadhi?
Swami: I can change like you, like me, like Baba, a bird...
Norman: Why did you come back so quickly?
Swami: Because of Paramahamsa Ramakrishna. He thought, it’s a little scary until we finished. I had a thought, “I’m going to stay there.” Then he said, “Hun-un, c’mon.” And I was the first, he was the second and nearly two thousand souls came, but it’s only in that life – one hundred people talking, rest simply listening. Who is really working with many thousands and thousands of people directly to spreading like a nuclear bomb, their information in the universe, only those people had the opportunity to talk. Many souls, they’re not in the bodies eighty, ninety percent, so the first preferences who, for those people who are in the bodies – first two, three, four - like that. And when I talked I asked Mother Divine to easily handle the negativity, to give the permission who is linked to my soul, they can easily handle the negativity. So, just I started and I want to see the results from the people what’s coming.
Ron: Swami, you said the negativity is getting higher here, then goes down...
Swami: From the year 2000 it’s coming down.
Sam: Swami, you said you were going to take some of us with you. Did you do that? Were some of us there?
Swami: No, to myself, to take care of myself it’s a big difficult. In one level I’m a big lazy guy - seriously. In soul life, in this life in this body system, in the soul system, in mind system, I’m big lazy, “Take it easy, why worry...” like that. That’s why, if I really think it’s not a big deal... but my energy with some souls, I pulled out for a little while - giving huge trance, giving some huge imagination to showing some pictures, the reality pictures. Already I gave that but not to travel. Some souls have that already, that power, they experienced it. Who is like that?
Ron: I think Sue saw that.
Swami: Tonight you can remember what you saw - to me only sixty, seventy percent rememberance and I need to meditate deeper level to make remember. When I enter back again in this body, it means again all the illusions, negativity, blocks, covering, completely - that’s called Maya.
Chris: If there’s a soul that’s stolen and kept in those crystal palaces never to be released, can we pray for them, does it help?
Swam: Simple prayers, it’s ok as a big sending love... It needs power of huge energy to send the demons to get them out. The demons are also huge powerful, equal to God you know - tough. Even Mother Divine, she killed lot of rakshasas in this planet. Hey it’s a big story – Chamundeshvari, Mahishasura – it’s huge stories. She turned like Mahishasura Mardini. She fought with Her own hands, lot of huge powerful demons. As a normal saints, normal man, it’s impossible to fight. Then She came from another galaxy to help this planet, and She killed the demons. That’s why in this tradition Mother Divine is so powerful - in all the traditions. That’s why the Maha Kali, that’s the structure when She’s killing the Mahishasura demon - in this planet She fought.
Tim: Aren’t there still demons on this planet?
Swami: Very few, very, very few, not so many. But She killed many demons on this planet directly. She fought them directly with Her sword. She attacked and She killed - there’s a lot of proofs, lot of evidences we can see in this planet.