Swami: When you go in Los Angeles City, I think I told this story am I? In Los Angeles when I sit in the...
Ramakrishna: The motorcycle gang?
Swami: The motorcycle gang.
Students: Tell us.
Swami: Ok, you tell Ramakrishna.
Ramakrishna: Swamiji was...
Swami: South Central in Los Angeles.
Ramakrishna: When he visited... I think it was the first time in America wasn’t it?
Swami: Second time.
Ramakrishna: Second time. He stayed in a devotee’s house that’s in a very...
Swami: Little loud.
Ramakrishna: Probably the second worst area in LA. I mean a very bad section of LA. is where he stayed for weeks, in this little house that was turned into a temple. And in the back yard they dug a fire pit so every night he would do fire ceremonies, and he would sit by the fire. Well, I think it was just in the beginning, when you came there; it was within the first week that, who knows how, but somebody heard, some motorcycle gang leader heard, he brought the motorcycle gang to the house. And they came in the house, they came to the back yard and there’s Swami sitting in his chair by the fire. They were kind of challenging him saying, “Hey, we heard some stuff about you and da da da da da da,” like angry on him. I don’t know why they were angry on you. That was never clear to me.
Swami: Go ahead.
Ramakrishna: Anyhow, after a few minutes talking with Swamiji they were all very interested, sitting around the fire (laughs), getting the, like he’s giving the spiritual message, then they left. Is that right?
Swami: Um-hmm.
Ramakrishna: Also, here in the ashram some robbers came. Like two robbers came. Swamiji just said, “Go ahead take whatever you want, go inside have fun.” They came in the back room and everything, then they finally came out like very mad, and he said to them, “Hey why are doing such a stupid mistake in your life?” Like started talking to them. Then they sat down and they listened. Now they’re devotees, even today...
Swami: Ok, I will tell the story in Los Angeles what happened. It’s my second visit to the South Central in Los Angeles. After one week later, most of the people they’re talking about me in the streets, “Oh, a small boy came from India. Oh, just he puts the thumb on the third-eye, from the thumb the honey drops it comes from the nose, they drinks continuously. The ash, when he touch, huge ash comes. From his hand, he change the flower to another flower. From the flower petals he change like a jewelry!” lot of stuff.
The gang, they took some drugs, they’re so interesting to meet me. They wanted, interest to kidnap me to ask some numbers, I don’t know, Lottery numbers. They’re interesting. “Such a powerful boy! Why can’t we get the numbers from him? We have to attack that boy and to kidnap, and to take some number from.” Ok, I don’t, what is the numbers? (laughs). Innocently I’m sitting at like a 1:00am in front of fire and doing some prayers. The motorbikes, like six, seven motorbikes came. They stop, they took their guns, they’re walking… They came, the White Eagle is sleeping, like a... she’s like little strong stout lady. She’s sleeping in her bedroom. Some few devotees they’re staying there, only myself in front of fire and decharging. They came. I’m in the orange robe in front of fire.
After they stop the motorbike, I knew they’re coming for me, to me, they’re getting something. Immediately they are in the right time they came. I change my energy. They came. Just simply I’m watching their faces. They’re black people, very strong, “Are you Swami from India?” “Uh-huh.” Just, “Uh-huh.” “Hey, we heard about you, very great miracles, you are miraculous man. We want to talk to you.” I said, “Sure, just come, sit. You want to sit? Of course, I feel very comfortable… nobody’s not here, don’t worry, just come and sit.”
They just sat - forget their lives, like forty-five minutes I’m talking and talking. They put the guns aside and listening. Then finally, “Why are you doing such a jobs?” They said, “Oh, we’re so sorry, we’ll try to change. When is your next program? What time the program starts?” I said, “Tomorrow 6 pm.” “Ok, we’ll try to visit to you.” Then all the people started to going now - one person forget his gun. I said, “Hey, your gun!” Then he came back, “Thank you so much.” Next day morning, “Hey White Eagle, please, I want to go another place.” “Hey, why can’t you wake up me? No, why can’t you wake up me?” “Well, that’s not the time to you wake up, you’re not to fight with them.” It’s a pretty strange neighborhood.
Jonathan: Did they come back next day?
Swami: No, I watched again next 6pm. Maybe they’re in there talking, Hun-umm.
Ramakrishna: The motorcycle gang?
Swami: The motorcycle gang.
Students: Tell us.
Swami: Ok, you tell Ramakrishna.
Ramakrishna: Swamiji was...
Swami: South Central in Los Angeles.
Ramakrishna: When he visited... I think it was the first time in America wasn’t it?
Swami: Second time.
Ramakrishna: Second time. He stayed in a devotee’s house that’s in a very...
Swami: Little loud.
Ramakrishna: Probably the second worst area in LA. I mean a very bad section of LA. is where he stayed for weeks, in this little house that was turned into a temple. And in the back yard they dug a fire pit so every night he would do fire ceremonies, and he would sit by the fire. Well, I think it was just in the beginning, when you came there; it was within the first week that, who knows how, but somebody heard, some motorcycle gang leader heard, he brought the motorcycle gang to the house. And they came in the house, they came to the back yard and there’s Swami sitting in his chair by the fire. They were kind of challenging him saying, “Hey, we heard some stuff about you and da da da da da da,” like angry on him. I don’t know why they were angry on you. That was never clear to me.
Swami: Go ahead.
Ramakrishna: Anyhow, after a few minutes talking with Swamiji they were all very interested, sitting around the fire (laughs), getting the, like he’s giving the spiritual message, then they left. Is that right?
Swami: Um-hmm.
Ramakrishna: Also, here in the ashram some robbers came. Like two robbers came. Swamiji just said, “Go ahead take whatever you want, go inside have fun.” They came in the back room and everything, then they finally came out like very mad, and he said to them, “Hey why are doing such a stupid mistake in your life?” Like started talking to them. Then they sat down and they listened. Now they’re devotees, even today...
Swami: Ok, I will tell the story in Los Angeles what happened. It’s my second visit to the South Central in Los Angeles. After one week later, most of the people they’re talking about me in the streets, “Oh, a small boy came from India. Oh, just he puts the thumb on the third-eye, from the thumb the honey drops it comes from the nose, they drinks continuously. The ash, when he touch, huge ash comes. From his hand, he change the flower to another flower. From the flower petals he change like a jewelry!” lot of stuff.
The gang, they took some drugs, they’re so interesting to meet me. They wanted, interest to kidnap me to ask some numbers, I don’t know, Lottery numbers. They’re interesting. “Such a powerful boy! Why can’t we get the numbers from him? We have to attack that boy and to kidnap, and to take some number from.” Ok, I don’t, what is the numbers? (laughs). Innocently I’m sitting at like a 1:00am in front of fire and doing some prayers. The motorbikes, like six, seven motorbikes came. They stop, they took their guns, they’re walking… They came, the White Eagle is sleeping, like a... she’s like little strong stout lady. She’s sleeping in her bedroom. Some few devotees they’re staying there, only myself in front of fire and decharging. They came. I’m in the orange robe in front of fire.
After they stop the motorbike, I knew they’re coming for me, to me, they’re getting something. Immediately they are in the right time they came. I change my energy. They came. Just simply I’m watching their faces. They’re black people, very strong, “Are you Swami from India?” “Uh-huh.” Just, “Uh-huh.” “Hey, we heard about you, very great miracles, you are miraculous man. We want to talk to you.” I said, “Sure, just come, sit. You want to sit? Of course, I feel very comfortable… nobody’s not here, don’t worry, just come and sit.”
They just sat - forget their lives, like forty-five minutes I’m talking and talking. They put the guns aside and listening. Then finally, “Why are you doing such a jobs?” They said, “Oh, we’re so sorry, we’ll try to change. When is your next program? What time the program starts?” I said, “Tomorrow 6 pm.” “Ok, we’ll try to visit to you.” Then all the people started to going now - one person forget his gun. I said, “Hey, your gun!” Then he came back, “Thank you so much.” Next day morning, “Hey White Eagle, please, I want to go another place.” “Hey, why can’t you wake up me? No, why can’t you wake up me?” “Well, that’s not the time to you wake up, you’re not to fight with them.” It’s a pretty strange neighborhood.
Jonathan: Did they come back next day?
Swami: No, I watched again next 6pm. Maybe they’re in there talking, Hun-umm.