I also been through unbelievable. To be honest, from my childhood days, if I got sick when I’m seven or eight years old, I never, ever expected my mom has to come close to me to take care on me and everything. When I’m seven, eight years old, I started to wash my clothes myself, ironing myself, my books on the cover sheets - making everything clean. I have one safe, my books, my dresses - everything clean. My sisters and my brother were always depending on me, “Why can’t you fix our books good?” My mom is always taking caring on them. I never expected she has to come, how to take care on me. I always did my works myself. If I really got tired, just going taking sleep.
In my childhood days you know how I learned swimming? I'm eight, nine years boy. I'm watching all my friends there. We have big well. One master guy… I'm terrible fearful person to the water. Just he came, “You don’t want to swim?” “No, I'm fine,” next day, next day…I dragged the time. One day, without my notice, he came my back and he threw me in. Then he jumped and he pushes my head underwater. Then he took my hairs, pulled me up - it's done. Then I had little sticks around the arms, jumping again, learning.
My best experience in my life, and I want all the time, majority whatever I can, to spend the time with my mother in the kitchen. I’m serious. To helping her in the kitchen, cutting the vegetables when she’s cooking, and I’m observing, making the jokes. She has the huge addiction to the coffee. Everyday she drinks like minimum ten times. She always hides the coffee powder in the different places. I took the cup of powder and threw it in the toilet - always fighting. In the village, whatever crazy stuff I did, she’s taking the kitchen spoons beating me with that, the hot-hot, like she’s very angry and aggressive when I’m there, and making her…it, that’s very cool.
Palm Leaf Book
That Kala Chakra you can hardly put a small tiny needle to draw that yantra. I don’t know how they did it - quite amazing. It shocks me. It really shocks me. That book and a few more books I was carrying from the river outside this area, and coming to another edge. I have to tell one story about that book. It was a wooden box that had almost like seven to nine books in it. I tied that book in a red cloth, with this size (Swami showed with his hands about 2 ½ feet long by 8 inches wide and 8 inches deep). I wrapped it in the red cloth. Me, and my friend were in a tiny small boat. He is a good swimmer. I know swimming but I’m not that much expert. The flow of the water is huge. We need to hit one corner of the edge, and the flow keeps moving, moving, moving. He keeps doing (rowing) in the front, and I’m doing in the back. We aimed it and slowly it’s going all the way left. The big whirlpool tilted the boat five, six times - out. I really thought, on the day, I am out. I signed my Kala Chakra - I have pretty safe life. The box got opened, water entered, it was heavier but that book was floating. The book was going super fast on the river. I screamed on my friend, “Go and get that!” It took him almost two hours to get that. I reached the edge of the river, tiny personality I am. You see nine years back how big my personality. Then two hours later from the edge I’m thinking, “Oh my God, it’s gone. It’s the only one book on the planet that exists!” Still you can see how much the water molded it. Then I put it in the sun to make it dry. You can still see the watermark is blackish.