Finally the Vedas are helping very lot. The attraction nature is doing a lot to the human creation, any creation – the spark of love to make you to anything. Again, there’s a story about the spark of love. So we must use our power... I’m telling here one more meaning— siddhic powers. If you get it, you must use in a proper way as a good channel, a good process.
So if you get one thing, the mind says again another thing, and again another thing, and again another thing... If you want I’ll tell one more thing. There’s a passenger, he’s traveling in the forest. It’s very terrible hot. He’s walking, walking, walking... He’s in the middle of the forest, then he laid down under the tree. That tree had the highest power capacity.
Why that tree had that power means, some hundreds of years back a big saint meditated under that tree. After he got success in his meditation, he asked that tree, “Oh my dear tree, you protected me, a lot giving shade, giving fruits in different angles. I have a lot of power now. If you ask anything of me I’ll give it.” Then the tree asked to that saint, “If any person comes and sits under me and asks anything, you must give that creation power – fulfill that desire to that person.”
That saint is relaxing and he’s feeling, “If I get a jug of water here how beautiful it is. I’m very thirsty God save me,” he’s thinking that to himself. Suddenly that tree created a small pot of cool water. He found that, “Oh, there’s water here, who made that water – maybe some passers by made it.” Then he drank that water happily, relaxly, then he got up. Then his mind he thought, “Oh, I’m very hungry. If any food came here how wonderful it is to fulfill my hunger.” Again the food came in front of him. Then he thought, “Something is there, some power is working here.” Then he ate and is taking rest laying on the rock. Again he’s thinking, “If I get a good cushioned bed how my body is happy.” A bed comes in front of him. Observe here how the man’s desires are increasing. Then the bed came in front of him. He’s lying on it happily, relaxingly. Then again he thinks, “If any beautiful lady came and did massage to my feet how wonderfully that would be...”
There’s no limit to the desires – it is increasing. Ok, one beautiful lady came and she smiled giving him massage to his feet. Again he thought, “If a tiger came from any bush and sees me, what will happen?” Suddenly a tiger came... You understand what I mean - desires, there’s a limit, one, two are enough. Desires are necessary to bring the joy and make us relaxed, whatever we like, but not too much – here is my meaning, is not too much.
~ Mill Valley Program 1997 ~