Jonathan: Swami, we have to develop a test? We have to figure it out and know it in advance to give to Her when that occasion comes? We have to figure out a test to Her to verify that She is who She says She is, or who we think She is?
Swami: You don’t need to talk that in public. You have to decide in your heart you know? Let me say one story of my personal thing. Understand? I’m in the Pattalaganga in the Sri Sailam, me and two saints. They’re just beginners. They want some help. As a manly, I need their help. At the time, really I’m a complete alone in the universe. Alone means, completely left out, the world is treating me as a garbage, but I’m very seriously focusing on my dikshas. But that two saints they are pretty amazing ganjay smokers. I brought them. We know we’ve seen lot of saints in Sri Sailam, in the street. It’s exactly on the Full Moon day. We went to the Pattalaganga near the river. I’m doing my process. It’s the most serious process I’m doing it. One saint is very close to me, one saint very far away . He smoked lot of ganjay . He’s completely drowsy, one saint he’s pretty good, just he’s watching on the rock what I have conversation. What I pull out from my bag, he saw that. I did my job with conversation, I tested it.
That lucky guy, Maha Maya entered into him, he tempted. I’m a little skinny personality, then all of sudden he turned on me, “I want these things. I want these things!” What can I do? Even though I have lot of energetic, everything, he has a strong stick in his hands. If I say no, it’s midnight in the middle of the forest in the huge river. Just he can put one, 'boom,' then he can throw me in the water, then he can walk out. What I did, “No problem, you can have it but I really appreciate with your love...I really decide to give you, but still little more left in my room. When I go back I want to give you that.” “Really?” “Yes, I really want to give you more.” On the way walking, I made him to smoke lot of ganjay. Then he started to smoke lot of ganjay. After we reached to the road, almost he’s ready to fall down. For certain period of the time the illusion hit on him to catch me, to give me some trouble. Then he started to going down. Your Swami started rrsstt...I took the bus. I don’t know the bus where it’s going. The bus is going, I jumped in the bus. The ticketor, “Where you want to go?” I asked, “Where is this bus going?” “What? Where you want to go?”
“Where this bus is going?” He said, “Some village.” I said, “Fine. How much ticket? I pulled some rupees gave to him, fine.”
Then I’m so tired, something wrong, almost early morning hours, Condutor says, “You need anything? You ok? What’s wrong to you?” Just I sat in the seat, the tears is coming out. I’m only alone in the world to doing my sadhanas - nobody is protecting or take caring. The beggars, the saints I believe them - crazy experiences. I believe them. They’re ready to do something. Then, “Hey Baba, what you really doing to me?” I learned a lesson, from that time onwards, never, ever bring with me any saints who is searching for the power, who had in the power. You know what I’m saying? They will tempt. Does it make sense? It will tempt them very easily .
For example, you’re an in step guy, all of sudden you see a beautiful woman in the open nature. Nobody is around. If you’re really seeing her as a mother, that’s your greatness. At the time you’re really saint and you’re really avadhut master. If you’re tempted, if you really tempted, if you’re really think something wrong, not anymore. You understand my deeper point meaning here? Especially in India such type of danger is there. One hundred percent to be honest in my heart, it’s there. You can take your colleagues, your friends to hanging around to pull it. In India, the masters, some people, they look like a simple beggars like the masters.
You know one interesting thing. I really want to visit Kumbhamela, to me personally with one or two students to bringing with me. I told him not to go, again I’m going, maybe it makes him, “What?” Whole world they thinks kind of huge Shiva energy flowing. Who was’s like in the big ocean, the big shark is eating the little fishes and the medium fish is another eating another medium fish, a medium fish again eating a small fish - it’s always like that in the nature. You know what I’m saying? One hundred percent it’s there.
Swami: You don’t need to talk that in public. You have to decide in your heart you know? Let me say one story of my personal thing. Understand? I’m in the Pattalaganga in the Sri Sailam, me and two saints. They’re just beginners. They want some help. As a manly, I need their help. At the time, really I’m a complete alone in the universe. Alone means, completely left out, the world is treating me as a garbage, but I’m very seriously focusing on my dikshas. But that two saints they are pretty amazing ganjay smokers. I brought them. We know we’ve seen lot of saints in Sri Sailam, in the street. It’s exactly on the Full Moon day. We went to the Pattalaganga near the river. I’m doing my process. It’s the most serious process I’m doing it. One saint is very close to me, one saint very far away . He smoked lot of ganjay . He’s completely drowsy, one saint he’s pretty good, just he’s watching on the rock what I have conversation. What I pull out from my bag, he saw that. I did my job with conversation, I tested it.
That lucky guy, Maha Maya entered into him, he tempted. I’m a little skinny personality, then all of sudden he turned on me, “I want these things. I want these things!” What can I do? Even though I have lot of energetic, everything, he has a strong stick in his hands. If I say no, it’s midnight in the middle of the forest in the huge river. Just he can put one, 'boom,' then he can throw me in the water, then he can walk out. What I did, “No problem, you can have it but I really appreciate with your love...I really decide to give you, but still little more left in my room. When I go back I want to give you that.” “Really?” “Yes, I really want to give you more.” On the way walking, I made him to smoke lot of ganjay. Then he started to smoke lot of ganjay. After we reached to the road, almost he’s ready to fall down. For certain period of the time the illusion hit on him to catch me, to give me some trouble. Then he started to going down. Your Swami started rrsstt...I took the bus. I don’t know the bus where it’s going. The bus is going, I jumped in the bus. The ticketor, “Where you want to go?” I asked, “Where is this bus going?” “What? Where you want to go?”
“Where this bus is going?” He said, “Some village.” I said, “Fine. How much ticket? I pulled some rupees gave to him, fine.”
Then I’m so tired, something wrong, almost early morning hours, Condutor says, “You need anything? You ok? What’s wrong to you?” Just I sat in the seat, the tears is coming out. I’m only alone in the world to doing my sadhanas - nobody is protecting or take caring. The beggars, the saints I believe them - crazy experiences. I believe them. They’re ready to do something. Then, “Hey Baba, what you really doing to me?” I learned a lesson, from that time onwards, never, ever bring with me any saints who is searching for the power, who had in the power. You know what I’m saying? They will tempt. Does it make sense? It will tempt them very easily .
For example, you’re an in step guy, all of sudden you see a beautiful woman in the open nature. Nobody is around. If you’re really seeing her as a mother, that’s your greatness. At the time you’re really saint and you’re really avadhut master. If you’re tempted, if you really tempted, if you’re really think something wrong, not anymore. You understand my deeper point meaning here? Especially in India such type of danger is there. One hundred percent to be honest in my heart, it’s there. You can take your colleagues, your friends to hanging around to pull it. In India, the masters, some people, they look like a simple beggars like the masters.
You know one interesting thing. I really want to visit Kumbhamela, to me personally with one or two students to bringing with me. I told him not to go, again I’m going, maybe it makes him, “What?” Whole world they thinks kind of huge Shiva energy flowing. Who was’s like in the big ocean, the big shark is eating the little fishes and the medium fish is another eating another medium fish, a medium fish again eating a small fish - it’s always like that in the nature. You know what I’m saying? One hundred percent it’s there.